Saturday, 1 September 2012

After the Bombs Bursting in Air, Our Flag Was Still There

What a week!  On Tuesday our battles were intense, but like the rocket's red glare and bombs bursting in air, they gave proof by the end of the convention on Thursday that our flag of liberty has been firmly planted in the Republican Party, and it is still there.

I want to thank all my supporters for helping me to get to Tampa to fight the good fight.  This whole week I had all of you in mind as I worked tirelessly to support the Liberty Movement, and over the course of the next week I will be writing up and sharing a more detailed account of all that transpired, as well as sharing all videos and articles that I was included in.  I was there to do work on your behalf and I never stopped fighting, and I hope as you hear of all my efforts you can be proud that your donation brought me down there.  So many great delegates from across the country led our efforts with such enthusiasm and energy that we were able to accomplish what we believe was a successful voice vote of "nay" for the credentials and rules reports, which should have resulted in the seating of our Maine delegates and the nullification of disastrous rules changes.  Also, thanks to the lead especially of states like Nevada and Iowa we were able to get together SIX states to nominate Dr. Paul, the Champion of the Constitution, for President of the United States.  We know we did not have the votes to win, but Dr. Paul deserved this honor and the great state of Nevada ensured that it was on the record by using their presidential roll call time to announce the states that had placed him into nomination and been ignored.  In what became an embarrassment for the RNC, all of these legitimate actions were ignored, causing widespread indignation from across the spectrum of the Republican Party; thanks to the blatant unfairness, we have forged lasting connections with mainstream Republicans to help us moving into the future.  While we disagree on many fundamental issues, we agree that there should be a fair process and will continue to work together to ensure that all grassroots groups have their fair chance to participate in the Republican Party--for we know that when we have a truly free society and a fair process, liberty will always prevail in the marketplace of ideas.

All of our delegates did such amazing work both as a team and through individual efforts, I am amazed by them all.  My biggest role was to spearhead (along with all the other PA delegates) one of the biggest efforts to spread information to everyone about the problematic rules changes; despite our small numbers, the 5 PA delegates, about 10 alternates and various extremely helpful guests (including our district's own Scott Garsteck, who deserves so much credit for all he has done for us since January) had a huge impact on these efforts; Pennsylvania may have only elected 5 Ron Paul delegates, but as they say about Dr. Paul's whole campaign, we were a mouse that roared!

 I also represented the Pennsylvania Ron Paul delegation at our Wednesday caucus (which I have nicknamed "The Pizza Caucus" as it was held at a Pizza place) wherein 15 delegates, each representing a different state's Ron Paul delegation, set our course of action in response to all grassroots activists being silenced  by the RNC.  This was an amazing event where we actually conducted a fair process to allow each state to have its say and vote on our course of action--we voted to do the Thursday press conference and walk-in to the convention to announce to all Republicans that we are here to stay, with all of our energy and principals, and we will yet bring our party back to its roots.  While Ron Paul is retiring, his revolution is just beginning.  I yielded my seat in that caucus to Delegate Tom Boggia to return to the convention floor early on Wednesday to give more interviews, and later became a small cog in the sub-committee that drafted our press release (big thanks to the delegates from other states who held more major roles on that sub-committee).

Again, I want to thank you for all your support; please stay tuned for more detailed accounts of all the behind the scenes efforts.  In the immortal words of Revolutionary War naval fighter John Paul Jones, we "have not yet begun to fight!"

Thank you, Dr. Paul, for your 30 years of service to Liberty and for starting this Revolution in the Republican Party.  Enjoy your retirement, we are now ready to pick up the torch.  The Republican Party and the US Government is losing one Ron Paul when you retire, but after meeting many amazing delegates, it is clear to me that they are set to gain countless new Ron Pauls from among our ranks.  They have asked us to surrender, and certainly in this cycle we will disperse and each make our own individual choices as to whether to go third party, write-in, abstain, or vote for Romney in hopes he will be better than Obama.  That is left to every individual to decide, but after November we will reconvene the revolution, and we have not yet begun to fight.